
We just learned, that all the employees who took the exam for certification two weeks ago, have passed! This means that we are proud to anounce, that Hacienda Zuleta is the only country side hotel of Ecuador with 85% certified employees in the areas housekeeping, kitchen, reservations, maintenance, gardending, horse barn and service!

Our deepest respect and congratulations to:
Antonio, José, Rodrigo, Henry, Alberto, Doris,
Liliana, Mónica, Diana, Cristina, Bayron, Marcelina,
Yolanda, Martha, Juan Carlos y Daniel!

We are very proud and thankful for your dedication.
On 27th of March we will oficially hand out the diplomas and celebrate with everybody.
If you would like to learn more about the whole process with all its ups and downs, cost and time, please contact