Fundraising for a Zuleta Caranqui Musuem

Zuleta is considered the biggest site of ancient Caranqui mounds in Ecuador. The 148 mounds and 12 piramids dating back to 700AD, are one of the 12 remaining sites and the one with most potential for important discoveries. In 2005 the archeologist Dr. Stephen Athens started to map the site and came back this year for GpR (Ground penetrating Radar) investigation. The current discoveries include an intact burial and several house floors and the investigation is ongoing. In order to promote this important investigation we need to keep protecting the site, provide room and board for the archeologist, distribute information about the process in the local community and build an on site interpretation center.

Mission Statement Caranqui Project
Our Vision
The Zuleta site “Caranqui Huasi” will be the best preserved and investigated site of Ecuador. An interpretation center will host both national and international scientific investigation, all visitors will be welcome. The community will be proud of its past.

Our Mission 2009
We manage to get the community’s support and understanding of the investigation. A small museum offers an insight to the most recent discoveries and encourages people to learn more about their past. Contacts are made to support sufficient funding for the upcoming expenses. Contacts to a team of scientist are made through Dr. Athens. A project plan for the next 5 years is in development.