Getting There


Hacienda Zuleta is located about 2 hours North East of Ecuador’s capital, Quito. The roads between Quito and the Hacienda are a bit tricky to navigate, so the majority of our guests arrange for hired transportation to and from the Hacienda. We are more than happy to help you plan your transportation and we have relationships with many safe and kind drivers who we can easily set you up with.

If you prefer to drive yourself, feel free to download the driving directions and map below. If you do decide to drive yourself, make sure to bring our phone number along. If you are ready to plan your transportation or just have questions, please check our phone at the bottom of this website.

Google Maps does not support the Zuelta area. For an alternative click the map below:



Hacienda Zuleta is a family- owned property, we accept visiting guests only with a prior reservation. In this way our team ensures you will have a personalized experience! If you want to have lunch at the hacienda, be sure to call first and ask about availability and rates. Unfortunately, we do not receive day-trip customers.


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