A ride along the trail to the pasture/ Llevando la manada al potrero

Maia Horsager (Volunteer at Zuleta)

Every afternoon our beautiful horses are brought from the front corral to the back pastures where they have plenty of space, fresh grass and a bubbling creek for cool water.  This afternoon I accompanied Emerson, one of our guides that also is a horse trainer, to take the horses back to their evening pasture. We let them out of the front corral and they immediately started in the direction of the trail. They trotted along, with Emerson and I taking up the rear on Danzarín and Rebeldía. The little pony followed us all from a distance. As they took up a faster gait and we began to canter, the sense of power and majesty within the herd became more and more apparent.  We rode without talking, the sound of hooves and neighing taking over as we rode faster and faster towards the beautiful valley. Around a final curve, we slowed to a trot and the horses seemed to settle as they also took in the beautiful view of the high mountains around us and the gentle splashing of a creek that made the landscape complete. They trotted amicably into their pasture, happy to be home and part of the wondrous scenery that surrounded us.

Cada tarde, la manada va de regreso a los potreros cercanos a la casa de hacienda, donde tienen mucho espacio, pasto fresco y un arroyo rebosante con agua fría. Esta tarde acompañé a Emerson, uno de los guías (entrenador de caballos), a llevar la manada. Soltamos la puerta del corral y los caballos solos tomaron su ruta. Mientras trotaban en grupo,  Emerson y yo  montados en Danzarín y Rebeldía, los seguimos, adentrándonos en la Rinconada rodeada de lomas verdes que se van cerrando al final. El pequeño pony nos seguía el paso, un poco a la distancia. Empezamos a galopar, el sentido de poder y majestuosidad dentro de la manada se hizo más evidente. Montábamos en silencio, acompañados del sonido de las herraduras y el relinchar de los animales  adentrándonos en el  hermoso valle. Después de una curva final,  aflojamos el paso. Los caballos parecían calmarse al ver la  increíble vista de montañas y el sonido del arroyo salpicando, que completaba el paisaje. Trotaban amigablemente a su potrero, felices de estar en su hogar y de ser parte de este maravilloso paisaje.